Python development support library

Edit Package python-py

The py lib is a Python development support library featuring
the following tools and modules:

* py.path: uniform local and svn path objects
* py.apipkg: explicit API control and lazy-importing
* py.iniconfig: easy parsing of .ini files
* py.code: dynamic code generation and introspection
* py.path: uniform local and svn path objects

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_multibuild 0000000053 53 Bytes
pr_222.patch 0000020656 20.2 KB
py-1.11.0.tar.gz 0000207796 203 KB
python-py.changes 0000018642 18.2 KB
python-py.spec 0000003000 2.93 KB
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