Qt 6 Multimedia libraries

Edit Package qt6-multimedia

Qt Multimedia is a module that provides a set of QML types and C++
classes to handle multimedia content. It also provides APIs to access
the camera and radio functionality.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
0001-Build-with-system-eigen-3.patch 0000002143 2.09 KB
0001-Fix-build-on-x86-arch.patch 0000001125 1.1 KB
_multibuild 0000000052 52 Bytes
qt6-multimedia-rpmlintrc 0000000085 85 Bytes
qt6-multimedia.changes 0000007646 7.47 KB
qt6-multimedia.spec 0000014255 13.9 KB
qtmultimedia-everywhere-src-6.8.1.tar.xz 0009664564 9.22 MB
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