scorched3d - Scorched3D

Edit Package scorched3d

Scorched3D incorporates lively, fully destructible 3D landscapes that include animated jets, naval vessels, water and even birds, with detailed tanks and projectiles and stunning visual effects.

This is a fork of the [original](, with patches and bigfixes.

⇢ [testing](

⇢ ⇢ release

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
PKGBUILD 0000001488 1.45 KB
_service 0000000079 79 Bytes
scorched3d-current-date.patch 0000000564 564 Bytes
scorched3d-sys-lua.patch 0000010353 10.1 KB
scorched3d.desktop 0000000217 217 Bytes
scorched3d.spec 0000005847 5.71 KB
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