Tools for Handicapped People to Use the GUI

Edit Package kdeaccessibility3

KMag: Magnifies a part of the screen. KMouseTool: Clicks the mouse for
you, reducing hand strain. KMouth: The computer "speaks" the entered
text for talking with people. KSayIt: Edit and read documents via KDE
text-to-speech output. KTTSD: The KDE Text To Speech Daemon, which can
be used from any KDE application that uses the interface from kdelibs.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
3_5_BRANCH.diff 0000000449 449 Bytes
kaccessrc 0000000026 26 Bytes
kdeaccessibility-3.5.10.tar.bz2 0008745420 8.34 MB
kdeaccessibility3-alsa-waitforcompletion.patch 0000000965 965 Bytes
kdeaccessibility3-assert.patch 0000000203 203 Bytes
kdeaccessibility3-deprecate-update-desktop-files.patch 0000003969 3.88 KB
kdeaccessibility3.changes 0000013036 12.7 KB
kdeaccessibility3.spec 0000005202 5.08 KB
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