KDE Web Development Suite (Quanta, KLinkStatus, KImageMapEditor)

Edit Package kdewebdev3

The package contains various tools for the daily work of a Web

* Quanta--an HTML editor (native source and WYSIWIG) with lots of
features, like a PHP debugger

* KLinkStatus--validator for links on HTML pages

* KImageMapEditor--an HTML image map editor

* KXsldbg--XSLT debugger

* KFileReplace--batch search and replace tool

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
3_5_BRANCH.diff 0000000421 421 Bytes
css.tar.bz2 0000121594 119 KB
disable-icon.diff 0000000298 298 Bytes
html.tar.bz2 0000093487 91.3 KB
javascript.patch 0000000239 239 Bytes
javascript.tar.bz2 0000331710 324 KB
kdewebdev-3.5.10.tar.bz2 0006249632 5.96 MB
kdewebdev-disable-docbparser.patch 0000000571 571 Bytes
kdewebdev-fedora-3.5.10-fix-freehand-crash.patch 0000001987 1.94 KB
kdewebdev3-deprecate-update-desktop-files.patch 0000008637 8.43 KB
kdewebdev3.changes 0000013693 13.4 KB
kdewebdev3.spec 0000007535 7.36 KB
no-applnk.diff 0000000708 708 Bytes
php.tar.bz2 0000417773 408 KB
quanta_parsers_tag-netbsd.patch 0000000664 664 Bytes
quanta_parts_kafka_kafkacommon-netbsd.patch 0000001369 1.34 KB
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