Desktop Search Application

Edit Package beagle

Beagle is a search tool that ransacks your personal information space
to find whatever you might be looking for. Beagle is a Linux
desktop-independent service which transparently and unobtrusively
indexes your data in real-time.

Beagle supports many different data sources and file formats,
including: * Documents

* E-mails

* Web browsing history

* IM and IRC conversations

* RSS Feeds

* Images

* Videos

* Music files

* Archives and their contents

* Applications

* ... and more.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
beagle-0.3.8-fx35.patch 0000006237 6.09 KB
beagle-0.3.8.tar.bz2 0001871958 1.79 MB
beagle-banshee-support.patch 0000030241 29.5 KB
beagle-epiphany-version.patch 0000000628 628 Bytes
beagle-failsafe-memory-workaround.patch 0000002080 2.03 KB
beagle-firefox-makefile.patch 0000000270 270 Bytes
beagle-fix-mismatch-library-version.patch 0000001231 1.2 KB
beagle-fix-scale-results.patch 0000000428 428 Bytes
beagle-fix-toggle-crash.patch 0000000528 528 Bytes
beagle-help-path.patch 0000000789 789 Bytes
beagle-hotkey-instant.patch 0000003939 3.85 KB
beagle-kde4-kaddressbook.patch 0000000590 590 Bytes
beagle-kde4-knotes.patch 0000000577 577 Bytes
beagle-kde4-kopete.patch 0000002169 2.12 KB
beagle-kde4-korganizer.patch 0000000645 645 Bytes
beagle-log-level-warn.patch 0000001602 1.56 KB
beagle-po.tar.bz2 0000075520 73.8 KB
beagle-scale-results.patch 0000008704 8.5 KB
beagle.changes 0000061105 59.7 KB
beagle.spec 0000068084 66.5 KB
bnc462763-tmp-files-not-deleted.patch 0000005422 5.29 KB
bnc468913-remove-buggy-capplet-launcher.patch 0000000932 932 Bytes
bnc471524-ignore-nodisplay-desktop-files.patch 0000001300 1.27 KB
bnc489925-localize-app-hits.patch 0000001441 1.41 KB
fix-desktop-files.diff 0000002203 2.15 KB
ready 0000000000 0 Bytes
system-search.png 0000003898 3.81 KB
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