Build Legacy-Free OS Images
A fancy wrapper around dnf --installroot, debootstrap, pacstrap and zypper that
may generate disk images with a number of bells and whistles.
Generated images are "legacy-free". This means only GPT disk labels
(and no MBR disk labels) are supported, and only systemd based images
may be generated. Moreover, for bootable images only EFI systems are
supported (not plain MBR/BIOS).
- Download package
Checkout Package
osc -A checkout home:bluca:mkosi/mkosi && cd $_
- Create Badge
Source Files
Filename | Size | Changed |
PKGBUILD | 0000002505 2.45 KB | |
_service | 0000000912 912 Bytes | |
debian.changelog | 0000005572 5.44 KB | |
debian.control | 0000002134 2.08 KB | |
debian.copyright | 0000001550 1.51 KB | | | 0000000019 19 Bytes | |
debian.mkosi.bash-completion | 0000000029 29 Bytes | |
debian.rules | 0000000276 276 Bytes | |
mkosi.changes | 0000004696 4.59 KB | |
mkosi.dsc | 0000000540 540 Bytes | |
mkosi.spec | 0000003432 3.35 KB |
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