Passwordless SSH key exchange through pairing

Edit Package ssh-pairing

This tool allows to use pairing (like bluetooth, kde connect, ...) for exchanging public SSH keys, basically as alternative to ssh-copy-id.
With this, setting up SSH authentication is more user friendly, as the user's public key does not need to be transferred to the server manually.
It is arguably also more secure, as no passwords are involved, not even temporarily just to be able to ssh-copy-id.
This tool is design to be used as part of some CLI or TUI, but can also be used manually.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000598 598 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000243 243 Bytes
ssh-pairing-0.2.obscpio 0000046090 45 KB
ssh-pairing.changes 0000001537 1.5 KB
ssh-pairing.obsinfo 0000000098 98 Bytes
ssh-pairing.spec 0000001812 1.77 KB
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