Boot Loader for Linux

Edit Package syslinux

SYSLINUX is a boot loader for the Linux operating system which operates
off an MS-DOS or Windows FAT file system. It is intended to simplify
first-time installation of Linux and for creation of rescue and other
special purpose boot disks.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
README.gfxboot 0000000541 541 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000249 249 Bytes
isolinux-config 0000001398 1.37 KB
remove-note-gnu-section.patch 0000000442 442 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-align.patch 0000000348 348 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-cache_fix.patch 0000001385 1.35 KB
syslinux-4.04-cwd.patch 0000001424 1.39 KB
syslinux-4.04-gcc10.patch 0000002959 2.89 KB
syslinux-4.04-gcc47.patch 0000000919 919 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-geometry.patch 0000001241 1.21 KB
syslinux-4.04-iso9660.patch 0000001120 1.09 KB
syslinux-4.04-isohybrid_efi.patch 0000033061 32.3 KB
syslinux-4.04-isohybrid_efi_optional.patch 0000000488 488 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-isohybrid_mbr.patch 0000000757 757 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-libext2fs.patch 0000000501 501 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-localboot.patch 0000000452 452 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-lzo.patch 0000000341 341 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-mboot_bootif.patch 0000001270 1.24 KB
syslinux-4.04-md5pass.patch 0000000456 456 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-miniacc.patch 0000001360 1.33 KB
syslinux-4.04-mtime.patch 0000002864 2.8 KB
syslinux-4.04-noinitrd.patch 0000000619 619 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-nostrip.patch 0000000451 451 Bytes
syslinux-4.04-pie.patch 0000002328 2.27 KB
syslinux-4.04-python3.patch 0000005991 5.85 KB
syslinux-4.04-reproducible-isohybrid.patch 0000002026 1.98 KB
syslinux-4.04-reproducible.patch 0000008494 8.29 KB
syslinux-4.04-timeout.patch 0000001424 1.39 KB
syslinux-4.04.tar.bz2 0005340791 5.09 MB
syslinux.changes 0000045523 44.5 KB
syslinux.spec 0000003926 3.83 KB
sysmacros.patch 0000001033 1.01 KB
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