XML Graphics Commons

Edit Package xmlgraphics-commons

Apache XML Graphics Commons is a library that consists of
several reusable components used by Apache Batik and
Apache FOP. Many of these components can easily be used
separately outside the domains of SVG and XSL-FO. You will
find components such as a PDF library, an RTF library,
Graphics2D implementations that let you generate PDF &
PostScript files, and much more.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
xmlgraphics-commons-2.8-src.tar.gz 0002243271 2.14 MB
xmlgraphics-commons-build_xml.patch 0000008150 7.96 KB
xmlgraphics-commons-jdk10.patch 0000000507 507 Bytes
xmlgraphics-commons.changes 0000005418 5.29 KB
xmlgraphics-commons.spec 0000002712 2.65 KB
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