
Edit Package coolercontrold

Cooling device control for Linux.

CoolerControl features a GUI for viewing all your system's sensors and for
creating custom fan and pump profiles based on any available temperature sensor.
Paired with this is a systemd service that controls all your devices in the
background. It's an extension of liquidctl and hwmon with a focus on controlling
cooling devices such as AIO coolers and fans under Linux.

This is the main systemd daemon package and is required.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000913 913 Bytes
coolercontrol-1.4.5.tar.zst 0011588375 11.1 MB
coolercontrold.spec 0000004170 4.07 KB
node_modules.tar.gz 0086931036 82.9 MB 0000000843 843 Bytes
vendor.tar.zst 0067137747 64 MB
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