Simple Logging Facade for Java

Edit Package slf4j

The Simple Logging Facade for Java or (SLF4J) is intended to serve
as a simple facade for various logging APIs allowing to the end-user
to plug in the desired implementation at deployment time. SLF4J also
allows for a gradual migration path away from
Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL).

Logging API implementations can either choose to implement the
SLF4J interfaces directly, e.g. NLOG4J or SimpleLogger. Alternatively,
it is possible (and rather easy) to write SLF4J adapters for the given
API implementation, e.g. Log4jLoggerAdapter or JDK14LoggerAdapter..

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
LICENSE-2.0.txt 0000011358 11.1 KB
_service 0000000536 536 Bytes
build-remove-slf4j_api-binder.patch 0000000699 699 Bytes
build.xml.tar.xz 0000008256 8.06 KB 0000000049 49 Bytes
slf4j-1.7.36.tar.xz 0002021864 1.93 MB
slf4j-commons-lang3.patch 0000002052 2 KB
slf4j-reload4j-bundlename.patch 0000000473 473 Bytes
slf4j.changes 0000009793 9.56 KB
slf4j.spec 0000010220 9.98 KB
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