Samba tevent Library

Edit Package tevent

Tevent is an event system based on the talloc memory management library.
Tevent has support for many event types, including timers, signals, and
the classic file descriptor events.
Tevent also provide helpers to deal with asynchronous code providing the
tevent_req (Tevent Request) functions.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000040 40 Bytes 0000000134 134 Bytes
tevent-0.9.29.tar.asc 0000000473 473 Bytes
tevent-0.9.29.tar.gz 0000584544 571 KB
tevent-man.changes 0000012024 11.7 KB
tevent-man.spec 0000007096 6.93 KB
tevent.changes 0000012024 11.7 KB
tevent.keyring 0000004262 4.16 KB
tevent.spec 0000007096 6.93 KB
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