Portable Real-Time Audio Library

Edit Package portaudio-opensuse

PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform
support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio
processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit
floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
PKGBUILD 0000001215 1.19 KB
_service 0000000595 595 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000014 14 Bytes
debian.tar.gz 0000010204 9.96 KB
pa_stable-v190700_20210406~git.1713568167.db778cf.tar.xz 0000896488 875 KB
portaudio.changes 0000011211 10.9 KB
portaudio.dsc 0000001158 1.13 KB
portaudio.spec 0000004955 4.84 KB
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