Audio/Video real-time streaming
mediastreamer2 is a GPL licensed library to make audio and video real-time streaming and processing.
Written in pure C, it is based upon the oRTP library.
- Links to network:telephony / mediastreamer2
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Checkout Package
osc -A checkout home:ithod:telephony/mediastreamer2 && cd $_
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Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename | Size | Changed |
_link | 0000000125 125 Bytes | |
fix-build-ffmpeg5.patch | 0000007040 6.88 KB | |
fix-srtp2-linphone.patch | 0000001019 1019 Bytes | |
mediastreamer2-5.2.98.tar.bz2 | 0022838677 21.8 MB | |
mediastreamer2-fix-pkgconfig.patch | 0000000611 611 Bytes | |
mediastreamer2.changes | 0000026816 26.2 KB | |
mediastreamer2.spec | 0000006326 6.18 KB | |
set_current_version.patch | 0000000403 403 Bytes |
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