REST for Dochazka

Edit Package perl-App-Dochazka-REST

Dochazka aspires to be a convenient, open-source ATT
solution. App::Dochazka::REST is the REST server component of Dochazka.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
App-Dochazka-REST-0.558.tar.gz 0000357533 349 KB
cpanspec.yml 0000001938 1.89 KB
harden_dochazka-rest.service.patch 0000000787 787 Bytes
perl-App-Dochazka-REST.changes 0000030463 29.7 KB
perl-App-Dochazka-REST.spec 0000006071 5.93 KB
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