Tools to assist with translation and software localization
A set of tools for managing translation and software localization via Gettext PO or XLIFF format files.
* Convertors: convert from various formats to PO or XLIFF
* Formats:
* Core localization formats - XLIFF and Gettext PO
* Other localization formats - TMX, TBX, Qt Linguist (.ts), Java .properties, Wordfast TM, OmegaT glossary
* Compiled formats: Gettext MO, Qt .qm
* Other formats - OpenDocument Format (ODF), text, HTML, CSV, INI, wiki (MediaWiki, DokuWiki), iCal
* Specialised - GSI/SDF, PHP, Mozilla (.dtd, .properties, etc), Symbian, Innosetup, tikiwiki, subtitles
* Tools: count, search, debug, segment and pretranslate localization files. Extract terminology. Pseudo-localize
* Checkers: validate translations with over 45 checks
- Sources inherited from project openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX
- Links to openSUSE:Factory / translate-toolkit
- Has a link diff
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osc -A checkout home:jsulig:branches:devel:LoongArch:Factory/translate-toolkit && cd $_
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Filename | Size | Changed |
_link | 0000000460 460 Bytes |
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