html and css APIs for C++

Edit Package htmlcxx

This is a simple non-validating css1 and html parser for C++. Although there are several other html parsers available, htmlcxx has some characteristics that make it unique:

- STL like navigation of DOM tree, using excelent's tree.hh library from Kasper Peeters
- It is possible to reproduce exactly, character by character, the original document from the parse tree
- Bundled css parser
- Optional parsing of attributes
- C++ code that looks like C++ (not so true anymore)
- Offsets of tags/elements in the original document are stored in the nodes of the DOM tree

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
htmlcxx-0.84-cstddef.patch 0000000317 317 Bytes
htmlcxx-0.84.tar.bz2 0000295234 288 KB
htmlcxx.changes 0000000147 147 Bytes
htmlcxx.spec 0000002665 2.6 KB
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