
Edit Package GPU-Viewer

This project aims to capture all the important details of glxinfo, vulkaninfo and clinfo in a GUI.

All the important details are extracted using glxinfo/vulkaninfo/clinfo with the combination of grep, CAT , AWK commands and displayed in the front-end. There is no hard OpenGL Programming involved, until glxinfo, vulkaninfo and clinfo works, the GPU-viewer will also work.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
GPU-Viewer-3.10+2.obscpio 0018308621 17.5 MB
GPU-Viewer.changes 0000000466 466 Bytes
GPU-Viewer.obsinfo 0000000100 100 Bytes
GPU-Viewer.spec 0000002466 2.41 KB
_service 0000000735 735 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000248 248 Bytes
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