Cron daemon for executing programs at set times

Edit Package cronie

Cronie contains the standard UNIX daemon crond that runs specified programs at
scheduled times and related tools. It is a fork of the original vixie-cron and
has security and configuration enhancements like the ability to use pam and

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
cron.service 0000000323 323 Bytes
cron_to_cronie.README 0000000181 181 Bytes
cronie-1.6.1.tar.gz 0000149913 146 KB
cronie-crond_pid.diff 0000000389 389 Bytes
cronie-nheader_lines.diff 0000002836 2.77 KB
cronie-pam_config-nonlogin.diff 0000000382 382 Bytes
cronie-pam_config.diff 0000000826 826 Bytes
cronie.changes 0000052400 51.2 KB
cronie.spec 0000009111 8.9 KB
deny.sample 0000000006 6 Bytes
fix-manpage-replace-anacrontab-with-crontab.patch 0000000782 782 Bytes
run-crons 0000009362 9.14 KB
sample.root 0000000720 720 Bytes
sysconfig.cron 0000002392 2.34 KB
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