QOwnNotes desktop client

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QOwnNotes is the open source notepad for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, that works together with the default notes application of Nextcloud/ownCloud.

You are able to write down your thoughts with QOwnNotes and edit or search for them later from your mobile device (like with CloudNotes or the Nextcloud/ownCloud web-service.

The notes are stored as plain text files and are synced with Nextcloud/ownCloud's file sync functionality. Of course other software, like Dropbox can be used too.

I like the concept of having notes accessible in plain text files, like it is done in the Nextcloud/ownCloud notes app, to gain a maximum of freedom, but I was not able to find a decent desktop note taking tool or a text editor, that handles them well. Out of this need QOwnNotes was born.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
PKGBUILD 0000001399 1.37 KB
_service 0000000052 52 Bytes
appimage.yml 0000000992 992 Bytes
debian.changelog 0000000154 154 Bytes
debian.compat 0000000002 2 Bytes
debian.control 0000001020 1020 Bytes
debian.qownnotes.install 0000004271 4.17 KB
debian.rules 0000001003 1003 Bytes
qownnotes-25.2.3.tar.xz 0005582628 5.32 MB
qownnotes.appdata.xml 0000002574 2.51 KB
qownnotes.bin 0000000150 150 Bytes
qownnotes.dsc 0000000528 528 Bytes
qownnotes.spec 0000004545 4.44 KB
Comments 5

Xu Zhao's avatar

Is it possible to add a new target for openSUSE_Leap_15.0?

Patrizio Bekerle's avatar

we'll see in a few minutes

Patrizio Bekerle's avatar

the build went through...

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