Files could not be expanded: home:pikerhog/gwhois: project 'home:pikerhog' does not exist

Universal Whois Client/Server suitable for all TLDs and IPs

Edit Package gwhois

gwhois is a generic whois client (and server) which strives to know the right
server to query for each and every top level domain and IP address. You can ask
gwhois about a domain or IP address, and it will automatically forward your
query to the appropriate server. It even queries whois servers that can only be
reached by a Web form, and outputs the results as text. It can be used as a
client or as a relaying server, so you can use your normal whois client to ask

Michael Holzt

Source Files

Sources could not be expanded: home:pikerhog/gwhois: project 'home:pikerhog' does not exist

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