Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS)

Edit Package libatlas3

ATLAS is tuned to the compilation host; its use in
systems using precompiled binaries is therefore limited.
Therefore, a generic BLAS that's also faster to build (openblas/cblas) is used for openSUSE.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
POWER332.tar.bz2 0000008686 8.48 KB
README.SuSE 0000002933 2.86 KB
atlas-hack.patch 0000000455 455 Bytes
atlas-suse-shared.patch 0000001501 1.47 KB
atlas3.10.3.tar.bz2 0005156852 4.92 MB
libatlas3-rpmlintrc 0000000269 269 Bytes
libatlas3-sse.spec 0000012728 12.4 KB
libatlas3-sse2.spec 0000012729 12.4 KB
libatlas3-sse3.spec 0000012729 12.4 KB
libatlas3.changes 0000013301 13 KB
libatlas3.spec 0000012734 12.4 KB 0000000310 310 Bytes
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