A dynamic library providing KVM-based process isolation capabilities

Edit Package libkrun

libkrun is a dynamic library that allows programs to easily acquire the ability to run processes in a partially isolated environment using KVM Virtualization.

It integrates a VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor, the userspace side of an Hypervisor) with the minimum amount of emulated devices required to its purpose, abstracting most of the complexity that comes from Virtual Machine management, offering users a simple C API.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000859 859 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000239 239 Bytes
libkrun-1.9.8.obscpio 0109531150 104 MB
libkrun.changes 0000017469 17.1 KB
libkrun.obsinfo 0000000096 96 Bytes
libkrun.spec 0000004213 4.11 KB
vendor.tar.zst 0023546534 22.5 MB
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