
Edit Package pcapplusplus

PcapPlusPlus is a C++ network sniffing and packet parsing and
manipulation framework.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
PcapPlusPlus-22.11.tar.gz 0015528895 14.8 MB
pcap++-paths.patch 0000002402 2.35 KB
pcapplusplus.changes 0000015746 15.4 KB
pcapplusplus.spec 0000002398 2.34 KB
Comments 6

seladb b's avatar

There is a new version of PcapPlusPlus: v18.08. Is it possible to update this package?

seladb b's avatar

@alois Can I suggest we change the web-site URL to https://pcapplusplus.github.io/ ?

seladb b's avatar

@alois there is a new PcapPlusPlus release: v22.05, do you think you update this package? https://github.com/seladb/PcapPlusPlus/releases/tag/v22.05

Luigi Baldoni's avatar

@seladb not quite, as per https://github.com/seladb/PcapPlusPlus/issues/883. I'd have to either create a separate legacy dpdk package and try to backport security patches if necessary or build it internally and statically link to it.

But the main thing is that I'm having problems at home and I can't take care of packages as much as I used to do. I will ask around, but if you know anyone willing to maintain this, perhaps users would be better served.

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