Image format plugins for Qt

Edit Package mingw32-kimageformats

This framework provides additional image format plugins for QtGui. As
such it is not required for the compilation of any other software, but
may be a runtime requirement for Qt-based software to support certain
image formats.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000014 14 Bytes
frameworks.keyring 0000001692 1.65 KB
kimageformats-5.65.0.tar.xz 0000245336 240 KB
kimageformats-5.65.0.tar.xz.sig 0000000488 488 Bytes
kimageformats.changes 0000024269 23.7 KB
kimageformats.spec 0000004885 4.77 KB
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