A blogging application with bells and whistles, written using the Django framework.

Edit Package python-banjo

Banjo has a number of features not found all-together in any other Django blogging application:
* Integrated caching, heavily used throughout the system. This lightens the load on your server, and makes serving pages much much faster than most blogging apps.
* Skinning is built in. You can serve different skins, or change skins on the fly at any time, with all images, javascript and CSS automatically being served from the proper location for the skin.
* Multiblog capable from the start. You can have multiple blogs, each with its own skin. The blogs can be served from unique domain names, from subdirectories, or from subdomains with equal ease, without special configuration, all from one installation.
* Trackback and Pingback support is built in.
* You can use standard blogging tools such as Ecto, Mars Edit or ScribeFire to post to the blog.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
banjo-0.9beta-source.tar.bz2 0000104932 102 KB
python-banjo.spec 0000001744 1.7 KB
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