Integrated web browser, composer, mail/news client, and IRC client

Edit Package seamonkey

SeaMonkey is an all-in-one Internet application suite containing a web browser, an e-mail and newsgroup client with an included web feed reader and calendar, an HTML editor and web development tools, and an IRC client. SeaMonkey is a successor to the popular Netscape Communicator and Mozilla Application Suite, and (unlike its siblings, Firefox and Thunderbird) retains Mozilla's more traditional-looking interface.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000000444 444 Bytes
mozilla-bmo1896958.patch 0000974404 952 KB
mozilla-bmo531915.patch 0000001021 1021 Bytes
mozilla-nongnome-proxies.patch 0000001274 1.24 KB
mozilla-ntlm-full-path.patch 0000000780 780 Bytes 0000004290 4.19 KB
reproducible.patch 0000002358 2.3 KB
seamonkey-2.53.20.source-l10n.tar.xz 0013727360 13.1 MB
seamonkey-2.53.20.source.tar.xz 0248121808 237 MB
seamonkey-GNUmakefile 0000005598 5.47 KB
seamonkey-appdata.tar.bz2 0000003025 2.95 KB
seamonkey-desktop.tar.bz2 0000022975 22.4 KB
seamonkey-lto.patch 0000000625 625 Bytes
seamonkey-man-page.patch 0000000776 776 Bytes
seamonkey-rpmlintrc 0000000029 29 Bytes
seamonkey.changes 0000206134 201 KB
seamonkey.spec 0000016092 15.7 KB
spellcheck.js 0000000060 60 Bytes
suse-default-prefs.js 0000000646 646 Bytes
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