Lollypop - A music player for GNOME

Edit Package lollypop

Lollypop is a modern music player for GNOME. It has the following features:
- mp3/4, ogg and flac
- Genre/Cover browsing
- Genre/Artist/Cover browsing
- Search
- Main playlist (called queue in other apps)
- Party mode
- Replay gain
- Cover art downloader
- Context artist view
- MTP sync
- Fullscreen view
- Radios support
- support
- Auto install codecs
- HiDPI support
- Tunein support

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000558 558 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000241 241 Bytes
lollypop-1.4.40.obscpio 0005718541 5.45 MB
lollypop.changes 0000067366 65.8 KB
lollypop.obsinfo 0000000098 98 Bytes
lollypop.spec 0000003665 3.58 KB
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