Program to pipe streams from services into a video player

Edit Package streamlink

Streamlink is a CLI utility that pipes flash videos
from online streaming services to a variety of video players
such as MPV, or alternatively, a browser.
The main purpose of streamlink is to convert CPU-heavy
flash plugins to a less CPU-intensive format.
Streamlink is a fork of the livestreamer project.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_multibuild 0000000053 53 Bytes
Comments 10

Michele Cherici's avatar

Update to version 2.3.0 does not work for me, it needs requests>=2.26.0 but opensuse has only 2.25.1

Simon Puchert's avatar

Hmm, there was an entry in upstream changelog to this effect, but the commit message said "vendor: upgrade requests to >=2.26.0 <3" so I thought it did not apply here. Also, their build instructions haven't been updated to match this commit.

Anyway, that part is in, line 15, so feel free to "beat me to the punch" (if you don't want to, I will try this on Saturday). It should be possible to use 2.25.1 since that is the version they use for Windows builds.

Tejas Guruswamy's avatar

I have the new version (3.0.3) built and working on Tumbleweed but it requires too many python dependencies not available on Leap 15.3. Are you still interested in a SR?

Simon Puchert's avatar

There isn't much we can do about this incompatibility (it's Python, after all), so I'd be fine with at least salvaging the situation for Tumbleweed users. Using Python stuff on Leap was always bound to run into some problems, see for example the somewhat recent (2022-01-11) LWN article.

Alexander Ahjolinna's avatar

"little bit out of date"...there is already 4.0.1

is it possible to have two splitted versions? (the old one for leap and newest for tumbleweed users)

saleh mm's avatar

Hey, could you please update it to the latest version there is 4.1.0 out now

Sebastian Meyer's avatar

Some quick suggestions after the recent package update:

  1. the rtmpdump dependency has been dropped in the 3.0.0 release
  2. the package meta/description is outdated, see


Tejas Guruswamy's avatar

Should be addressed with the latest update. Thanks for the suggestions!

Brandon L's avatar

Got this working on Leap 15.3 by installing python39 and python39-devel.

Hzu's avatar


Streamlink 6.0 has been released since 20th July 2023. Is there any reason why this is still not updated? Is it to preserve compatibility with older distributions?


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