Files could not be expanded: service error: [31mNo parent tag present for the checked out revision, thus @PARENT_TAG@ cannot be expanded.[0m more info

service obs_scm failed:
time="2023-12-09T01:54:56Z" level=warning msg="Path \"/etc/SUSEConnect\" from \"/etc/containers/mounts.conf\" doesn't exist, skipping"
time="2023-12-09T01:54:56Z" level=warning msg="Path \"/etc/zypp/credentials.d/SCCcredentials\" from \"/etc/containers/mounts.conf\" doesn't exist, skipping"
Running /usr/lib/obs/service//obs_scm --url --revision master --scm git --versionformat @PARENT_TAG@+git%cd --versionrewrite-pattern v(.*) --versionrewrite-replacement \1 --exclude .git --changesgenerate enable --filename czmq --extract packaging/debian/czmq.dsc --extract packaging/redhat/czmq.spec --outdir /var/cache/obs/p8RR30zAVOGx/out
[31mNo parent tag present for the checked out revision, thus @PARENT_TAG@ cannot be expanded.[0m

czmq git

Edit Package czmq
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Source Files (show unmerged sources)

Sources could not be expanded: service error: [31mNo parent tag present for the checked out revision, thus @PARENT_TAG@ cannot be expanded.[0m

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