Lightweight IEEE802.11 wireless LAN analyzer

Edit Package horst

horst is a small, lightweight IEEE802.11 WLAN analyzer with a text interface.
Its basic function is similar to tcpdump, Wireshark or Kismet, but it's much
smaller and shows different, aggregated information which is not easily
available from other tools. It is made for debugging wireless LANs with a
focus on getting a quick overview instead of deep packet inspection and has
special features for Ad-hoc (IBSS) mode and mesh networks.
It can be useful to get a quick overview of what's going on on all wireless
LAN channels and to identify problems.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
horst-5.1.tar.gz 0000117392 115 KB
horst-ncurses6w.patch 0000001824 1.78 KB
horst.changes 0000001501 1.47 KB
horst.spec 0000002486 2.43 KB
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