PHP5 Core Files

Edit Package php5

This package contains the PHP5 core files, including PHP binary (CLI)
and PHP configuration (php.ini). This package must be installed in
order to use PHP. Additionally, extension modules and server modules
(e.g. for Apache) may be installed.

Additional documentation is available in package php-doc.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
README.SUSE-pear 0000000400 400 Bytes
README.macros 0000003317 3.24 KB
install-pear-nozlib.phar 0004096124 3.91 MB
macros.php 0000001760 1.72 KB
php-5.4.20.tar.bz2 0011700446 11.2 MB
php-fpm.init 0000010213 9.97 KB
php-suse-addons.tar.bz2 0000001333 1.3 KB
php5-64-bit-post-large-files.patch 0000002977 2.91 KB
php5-BNC-457056.patch 0000000501 501 Bytes
php5-apache24-updates.patch 0000002863 2.8 KB
php5-apache_sapi_install.patch 0000001182 1.15 KB
php5-cloexec.patch 0000001517 1.48 KB
php5-crypt-tests.patch 0000003354 3.28 KB
php5-format-string-issues.patch 0000004986 4.87 KB
php5-gcc_builtins.patch 0000001031 1.01 KB
php5-ini.patch 0000002663 2.6 KB
php5-mbstring-missing-return.patch 0000000848 848 Bytes
php5-missing-extdeps.patch 0000002815 2.75 KB
php5-no-build-date.patch 0000004015 3.92 KB
php5-no-reentrant-crypt.patch 0000000294 294 Bytes
php5-openssl.patch 0000001411 1.38 KB
php5-per-mod-log.patch 0000000587 587 Bytes
php5-php-config.patch 0000000671 671 Bytes
php5-phpize.patch 0000000946 946 Bytes
php5-pts.patch 0000000382 382 Bytes
php5-suhosin-php54.patch 0000024949 24.4 KB
php5-systzdata-v7.patch 0000016681 16.3 KB
php5.changes 0000118616 116 KB
php5.spec 0000053501 52.2 KB
suhosin-0.9.33.tgz 0000104488 102 KB
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