Symbolic Computation Program/Computer Algebra System

Edit Package maxima

Maxima is a full symbolic computation program. It is full featured
doing symbolic manipulation of polynomials, matrices, rational
functions, integration, Todd-coxeter, graphing, bigfloats. It has a
symbolic debugger source level debugger for maxima code. Maxima is
based on the original Macsyma developed at MIT in the 1970's. It is
quite reliable, and has good garbage collection, and no memory leaks.
It comes with hundreds of self tests.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
maxima-5.27.0.tar.gz 0027101764 25.8 MB
maxima-rpmlintrc 0000000397 397 Bytes
maxima.changes 0000006463 6.31 KB
maxima.spec 0000010195 9.96 KB
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