Edit Package Supybot

Supybot is a robust, user and programmer friendly IRC bot written in
Python. It aims to be an adequate replacement for most existing IRC
bots. It includes a very flexible and powerful ACL system for
controlling access to commands, as well as more than 50 builtin plugins
providing around 400 actual commands.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Supybot- 0000001877 1.83 KB
Supybot- 0000557969 545 KB
Supybot-plugins-20060723.tar.bz2 0000197391 193 KB
Supybot-rpmlintrc 0000000237 237 Bytes
Supybot.changes 0000007021 6.86 KB
Supybot.init 0000010608 10.4 KB
Supybot.spec 0000003426 3.35 KB
Supybot.sysconfig 0000001206 1.18 KB
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