A Fortran-77 to C Translator

Edit Package f2c

Contains libf2c.so.0.11, ported by Rob Hooft. This package uses an
'f77' script that hides the C translation process from the user.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000004 4 Bytes
changes.gz 0000046297 45.2 KB
disclaimer.gz 0000000495 495 Bytes
f2c-integer.diff 0000000900 900 Bytes
f2c-malloccheck.diff 0000000525 525 Bytes
f2c-optflags.patch 0000000907 907 Bytes
f2c.1t.gz 0000003285 3.21 KB
f2c.changes 0000006065 5.92 KB
f2c.dif 0000008963 8.75 KB
f2c.h.gz 0000001612 1.57 KB
f2c.ps.gz 0000050075 48.9 KB
f2c.spec 0000003455 3.37 KB
f2c.tgz 0000237523 232 KB
fc.gz 0000002138 2.09 KB
libf2c.zip 0000114019 111 KB
permission.gz 0000000579 579 Bytes
readme.gz 0000015059 14.7 KB
tmpfile-fix.patch 0000002715 2.65 KB
yaf77-1.6.tgz 0000009655 9.43 KB
yyparse.patch 0000000893 893 Bytes
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