Control groups management tools

Edit Package libcgroup1

Control groups, a new kernel feature in Linux 2.6.24 provides a file
system interface to manipulate and control the details on task grouping
including creation of new task groups (control groups), permission
handling and task assignment.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000067 67 Bytes
initd_cgconfig-read-correctly-defaultcgroup.patch 0000001138 1.11 KB
initd_cgconfig.patch 0000002685 2.62 KB
initd_cgred.patch 0000004170 4.07 KB
libcgroup-0.37.1.tar.bz2 0000434040 424 KB
libcgroup-man_pages.patch 0000027833 27.2 KB
libcgroup1.changes 0000004571 4.46 KB
libcgroup1.spec 0000004588 4.48 KB
sysconfig.cgred 0000000524 524 Bytes
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