Serif Fonts for Minority Languages of Russia

Edit Package paratype-pt-serif-fonts

PT Serif is a transitional serif face with humanistic terminals designed
for use together with PT Sans and harmonized with PT Sans on metrics,
proportions, weights and design. PT Serif consists of six styles:
regular and bold weights with corresponding italics form a standard
computer font family for basic text setting; two caption styles (regular
and italic) are for texts of small point sizes.

The fonts beside standard Western, Central European and Cyrillic code
pages contain characters of all title languages of Russian Federation
that make them unique and very important tool of the modern digital

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
Info_PT_SS.pdf 0000242371 237 KB 0001029464 1010 KB
paratype-pt-serif-fonts.changes 0000001230 1.2 KB
paratype-pt-serif-fonts.spec 0000002485 2.43 KB
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