a module to read Mozilla URL history files

Edit Package perl-File-Mork

This is a module that can read the Mozilla URL history file -- normally
$HOME/.mozilla/default/*.slt/history.dat -- and extract the id, url, name,
hostname, first visted dat, last visited date and visit count.

To find your history file it might be worth using *Mozilla::Backup* which
has some platform-independent code for finding the profiles of various
Mozilla-isms (including Firefox, Camino, K-Meleon, etc.).

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
File-Mork-0.3.tar.gz 0000009934 9.7 KB
perl-File-Mork.changes 0000000461 461 Bytes
perl-File-Mork.spec 0000002178 2.13 KB
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