X Window System background writings and images

Edit Package xbanner

How about your company's name in the background of the login screen? Or
your company's logo? It will work with xbanner which is designed for
use with, for example, XDM login screens.

Many example configurations may be found in /usr/share/xbanner and its

Documentation lies in /usr/share/doc/packages/xbanner. There you can
find an HTML version of the documents.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
XBanner1.31.dif 0000002811 2.75 KB
XBanner1.31.tar.bz2 0000272694 266 KB
xbanner-1.31-gets.patch 0000000413 413 Bytes
xbanner.changes 0000002033 1.99 KB
xbanner.spec 0000002445 2.39 KB
xbanner.test 0000000669 669 Bytes
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