Export running X11 session via VNC

Edit Package x11vnc

VNC is a set of programs using the RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) protocol.
They are designed to "export" a frame buffer via the network. It is in
wide use for administration.

X.org has a virtual Xvnc server which you can start as an own screen
(e.g. :1) and connect to with a VNC client (e.g. vncviewer from
tightvnc). This package contains the x11vnc binary that allows you to
export a screen of a running non-virtual X11 server. x11vnc has been
split off LibVNCServer on 2007-07-16.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
stack-check 0000000485 485 Bytes
x11vnc-0.9.13.tar.bz2 0002219051 2.12 MB
x11vnc-automake-1.13.patch 0000000484 484 Bytes
x11vnc-examples.diff 0000013532 13.2 KB
x11vnc-lame-libm.diff 0000000471 471 Bytes
x11vnc-lib64.diff 0000001240 1.21 KB
x11vnc-rpmlintrc 0000000174 174 Bytes
x11vnc-thread-auth.diff 0000001290 1.26 KB
x11vnc-tkx11vnc.desktop 0000000200 200 Bytes
x11vnc.changes 0000008886 8.68 KB
x11vnc.desktop.generics 0000000483 483 Bytes
x11vnc.png 0000016856 16.5 KB
x11vnc.spec 0000005009 4.89 KB
x11vnc_ssh 0000001913 1.87 KB
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