a C++ class framework for processing audio files

Edit Package ccaudio2

The GNU ccAudio2 package offers a highly portable C++ class framework
for developing applications which manipulate audio streams and various
disk based audio file formats. At the moment ccaudio is primarily a
class framework for handling .au, .wav (RIFF), and various .raw audio
encoding formats under Posix and win32 systems, though it may expand to
become a general purpose audio and soundcard support library. Support
for controlling CD audio devices has recently been added as well as
support for codecs and other generic audio processing services.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000121 121 Bytes
ccaudio2-1.0.0.tar.gz 0000428839 419 KB
ccaudio2-1.0.0.tar.gz.sig 0000000072 72 Bytes
ccaudio2-man.patch 0000000468 468 Bytes
ccaudio2.changes 0000003082 3.01 KB
ccaudio2.keyring 0000001447 1.41 KB
ccaudio2.spec 0000003713 3.63 KB
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