Edit Package gsoap

The gSOAP toolkit provides a cross-platform software development toolkit for C and C++ server and client Web service applications, and simplifies the overall use of XML in any type of application. The toolkit supports SOAP 1.1/1.2 RPC
encoding and document/literal styles, WSDL 1.1, MTOM/MIME/DIME attachments (streaming), SOAP-over-UDP, request-response and one-way messaging. The toolkit also supports WS-Addressing and WS-Security, with several other WS-* available or under development. See the official open-source gSOAP website for project status and latest news.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
gsoap-01-sharedlibs.diff 0000005650 5.52 KB
gsoap-02-typepuns.diff 0000000788 788 Bytes
gsoap-04-strerror.diff 0000000900 900 Bytes
gsoap-05-ipv6.diff 0000001444 1.41 KB
gsoap-2.8.15.tar.xz 0005778572 5.51 MB
gsoap-automake1_13.diff 0000000617 617 Bytes
gsoap.changes 0000004570 4.46 KB
gsoap.spec 0000004520 4.41 KB 0000001087 1.06 KB
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