The KDE Core Components

Edit Package kdebase3

This package contains kdebase, one of the basic packages of the K
Desktop Environment. It contains, among others, kwin (the KDE window
manager), Konqueror (the KDE Web browser), and KControl (the
configuration program)

This package is needed if you want to use the KDE Desktop. It is not
needed if you only want to start some KDE applications.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
3_5_BRANCH.diff 0000036339 35.5 KB
access.diff 0000002308 2.25 KB
applet-lock-logout.diff 0000004545 4.44 KB
applet-no-arrow.patch 0000001693 1.65 KB
arts-start-on-demand.diff 0000003363 3.28 KB
artwork.diff 0000001057 1.03 KB
autorun.patch 0000001217 1.19 KB
background_default.diff 0000000489 489 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000026 26 Bytes
beagle-0.3.diff 0000000856 856 Bytes
bnc.desktop 0000000165 165 Bytes
bnc584223.diff 0000005827 5.69 KB
clock-applet-style.diff 0000000696 696 Bytes
clock-suse-integrate.diff 0000008322 8.13 KB
console8x16.pcf.gz 0000012244 12 KB
default-kdeprintfax.diff 0000000716 716 Bytes
default_fonts.diff 0000000731 731 Bytes
dont-always-start-kaccess.diff 0000002163 2.11 KB
fileshareset.8.gz 0000001086 1.06 KB
fileshareset2-gcc47.patch 0000000321 321 Bytes
fileshareset2.tar.bz2 0000008677 8.47 KB
fix-desktop-icons.diff 0000007977 7.79 KB
fix-kcontrol-yast.diff 0000002571 2.51 KB
fix-kio-smb-auth.diff 0000000547 547 Bytes
fix-lockup-from-gnome-apps.diff 0000000869 869 Bytes
fix_default_theme_reset.diff 0000003083 3.01 KB
further-desktop-icons-adjustment.patch 0000000986 986 Bytes
gcc44.diff 0000000733 733 Bytes
gentoo-better-volumes-descriptions-492dbc40159c91a263f29ad77c94054b2d40bb25.patch 0000003586 3.5 KB
hide-only-showin-entries.diff 0000000541 541 Bytes
improve-panelservicemenu-geticonset.diff 0000001570 1.53 KB
ioslaveinfo-icon.diff 0000000678 678 Bytes
kcheckpass-pam-11.0 0000000202 202 Bytes
kcheckpass-pam-11.1 0000000164 164 Bytes
kcheckpass-pam-legacy 0000000241 241 Bytes
kcheckpass.8.gz 0000000836 836 Bytes
kcminit-ignore-arts.diff 0000000416 416 Bytes
kcmkdm-default-grub.diff 0000000656 656 Bytes
kcmsamba_log.diff 0000001367 1.33 KB
kcmshell_use_kde-sound.diff 0000000322 322 Bytes
kcontrol-energy.diff 0000005712 5.58 KB
kcontrol.diff 0000000342 342 Bytes
kde3-session-restore.diff 0000000274 274 Bytes
kde3-session.diff 0000000420 420 Bytes
kdebase-3.5.10.tar.bz2 0024339704 23.2 MB
kdebase-chakra-02-kip_kdesktop_rounded_icon_text_corners.patch 0000003563 3.48 KB
kdebase-chakra-18-execute_feedback.patch 0000003348 3.27 KB
kdebase-fedora-change-fonts-defaults.patch 0000001086 1.06 KB
kdebase-fedora-decrease-bounce-timeout.patch 0000001819 1.78 KB
kdebase-gcc47.patch 0000001046 1.02 KB
kdebase-gentoo-27cc062c6b172fd6e93addb510269b360cb7eb8d.patch 0000028247 27.6 KB
kdebase-pardus-add-turkish-translations.patch 0000013771 13.4 KB
kdebase-pardus-dbl-clicl-default-maximize.patch 0000001989 1.94 KB
kdebase-pardus-exclude-proc-sys-from-search.patch 0000000806 806 Bytes
kdebase-pardus-fix-autosuspend.patch 0000000832 832 Bytes
kdebase-pardus-fix-boolean-error.patch 0000001031 1.01 KB
kdebase-pardus-fix-fish.patch 0000000841 841 Bytes
kdebase-pardus-hal-add-user-mount.patch 0000005169 5.05 KB
kdebase-pardus-kconsole-add-url-handling.patch 0000005016 4.9 KB
kdebase-pardus-kicker-container-area-fix.patch 0000000918 918 Bytes
kdebase-pardus-port-klineedit-from-kde4.patch 0000010933 10.7 KB
kdebase-pardus-window-list-fix.patch 0000003388 3.31 KB
kdebase-slackware-kicker.diff 0000000312 312 Bytes
kdebase-svn-konq-move.patch 0000001779 1.74 KB
kdebase-trinity-1239915-fix-currency-symbols.dif 0000000798 798 Bytes
kdebase-trinity-launch-ksysguard-optionr1107589.diff 0000001449 1.42 KB
kdebase-trinity-r1176186-no-busy-cursor.diff 0000000737 737 Bytes
kdebase-trinity-r1255714-nsplugin-fix-port-from-kde4.diff 0000003985 3.89 KB
kdebase-trinity-sftp-fix.diff 0000002833 2.77 KB
kdebase-udisks-loop-devices-916d1ea8da8cdabe604c6f9868d2559f2d73c062.patch 0000004174 4.08 KB
kdebase3.changes 0000190311 186 KB
kdebase3.fillup 0000000430 430 Bytes
kdebase3.spec 0000065178 63.7 KB
kdebase_networkstatus_branch.diff 0000001409 1.38 KB
kdeeject.diff 0000001374 1.34 KB
kdesktop_icons.diff 0000009642 9.42 KB
kdesu-remember-keep-password.diff 0000000685 685 Bytes
kdesud-security.diff 0000000589 589 Bytes
kdm-admin-mode.diff 0000011697 11.4 KB
kdm-aliasing.diff 0000000537 537 Bytes
kdm-align-userlist-labels.diff 0000001443 1.41 KB
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kdm-consolekit.diff 0000023002 22.5 KB
kdm-cope-with-new-grub.diff 0000000761 761 Bytes
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kdm-mark_autologin.diff 0000000568 568 Bytes
kdm-pam-np-legacy 0000000243 243 Bytes
kdm-relaxed-auth.diff 0000000866 866 Bytes
kdm-suspend-hal.diff 0000011384 11.1 KB
kdm-sysconfig-values.diff 0000018958 18.5 KB
kdm-use-rpmoptflags.diff 0000001181 1.15 KB
kdm-wordbreak.diff 0000000951 951 Bytes
kdm3 0000000384 384 Bytes
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khelpcenter-beagle.diff 0000004358 4.26 KB
khelpcenter-delayed-indexcheck.cpp 0000000796 796 Bytes
khelpcenter-gnome-support.patch 0000010812 10.6 KB
khelpcenter-localindices.patch 0000001212 1.18 KB
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khotkeys-multimedia-action2.diff 0000002942 2.87 KB
kicker-defaults.diff 0000002025 1.98 KB
kicker-height.patch 0000000462 462 Bytes
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kickoff-beagle.diff 0000046655 45.6 KB
kickoff-data.tar.bz2 0000581352 568 KB
kickoff-install-software.diff 0000001123 1.1 KB
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kickoff-shutdown-upower.patch 0000006829 6.67 KB
kickoff.diff 0000334484 327 KB
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kioslave-fix-memcpy.patch 0000001243 1.21 KB
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kmenu-search-fs20050503-fixed.diff 0000011135 10.9 KB
kmenu-search-slowdown-fix.diff 0000004367 4.26 KB
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kompmgr_use_defaults.diff 0000001279 1.25 KB
konq-combo-editor.diff 0000001472 1.44 KB
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kpamgreeter.diff 0000023465 22.9 KB
krandr- 0000022752 22.2 KB
kscreensaver-random-NG.diff 0000005717 5.58 KB
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ksmserver-shutdown-upower.patch 0000008940 8.73 KB
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ksysguardd-openslp.diff 0000007454 7.28 KB
ksysguardd.init 0000002079 2.03 KB
ksysguardd.reg 0000000322 322 Bytes
kwinbindings.diff 0000003647 3.56 KB
kxkb-include-latin-layout.diff 0000000621 621 Bytes
less_verbal_kdesu.patch 0000001084 1.06 KB
libkonq-kdemm.diff 0000002894 2.83 KB
locale-dont-show-flag.diff 0000001099 1.07 KB
lock-xvkbd.diff 0000013126 12.8 KB
lowdiskspace.patch 0000014038 13.7 KB
mach_blass.diff 0000004697 4.59 KB
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mp3-info.tar.bz2 0000002606 2.54 KB
mtab-reenable.patch 0000004921 4.81 KB
non-fast-malloc.diff 0000000564 564 Bytes
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nsplugin-aarch64.diff 0000001743 1.7 KB
nsplugin-init-gtk.diff 0000001850 1.81 KB
openssl1.patch 0000001021 1021 Bytes
optional-compmgr.diff 0000001120 1.09 KB
printmanager-desktop-fix.patch 0000000456 456 Bytes
quick_browser_menu.diff 0000001233 1.2 KB
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runupdater.patch 0000004109 4.01 KB
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short-menus.diff 0000009603 9.38 KB
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sourceforge.desktop 0000000165 165 Bytes
spellcheck-default-utf8.diff 0000000523 523 Bytes
startkde.diff 0000002553 2.49 KB 0000000188 188 Bytes
suse_default_move.diff 0000002831 2.76 KB
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systemd-shutdown.patch 0000000435 435 Bytes
systray-icons-style.patch 0000000638 638 Bytes
systray_order.diff 0000006876 6.71 KB
taskbar.patch 0000001096 1.07 KB
teach-minicli-lock.diff 0000000899 899 Bytes
udisks-glue.conf 0000000355 355 Bytes
udisks2-makefile.patch 0000006483 6.33 KB
udisks2-unmount.patch 0000003946 3.85 KB
uninit.diff 0000000281 281 Bytes
use-full-hinting-by-default.diff 0000001301 1.27 KB
use-pam-before-classic.diff 0000000570 570 Bytes
wizard_small.png 0000040259 39.3 KB
workaround-pdf-on64bit-nsplugin-bug.diff 0000001331 1.3 KB
xcursor.diff 0000001415 1.38 KB
xinerama.patch 0000036186 35.3 KB
zh_TW.flag.png 0000000175 175 Bytes
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