Cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific graphics

Edit Package mathgl

Mathgl is a cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific
graphics. It provides fast data plotting and handling of large data
arrays, as well as window and console modes and for easy embedding
into other programs. Mathgl integrates into fltk, qt and
opengl applications.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
mathgl- 0005269355 5.03 MB
mathgl-bigendian.patch 0000000878 878 Bytes
mathgl-doc-path.patch 0000000661 661 Bytes
mathgl-examples-install.patch 0000001510 1.47 KB
mathgl-fix-python-module-path.patch 0000000764 764 Bytes
mathgl-fltk.patch 0000000445 445 Bytes
mathgl-gsl-deprecated-code-usage.patch 0000000729 729 Bytes
mathgl.changes 0000008639 8.44 KB
mathgl.spec 0000017747 17.3 KB
udav-help-path.patch 0000000436 436 Bytes
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