Pager for Sawfish window manager

Edit Package sawfish-pager

Sawfish specific configurable pager map of your desktop with a
viewport support. It can be configured to follow where you are, or
optionally show all workspaces at once.

A pager is a map of your desktop. As maps go, it shows not only the visible
part (your current viewport), but if you are so configured, also the parts
that extend beyond the sides of your screen. Also, if you have more than
one workspace, the pager will follow you to where you are, or optionally
show all workspaces at once. Of course you can select viewports and
windows, and also move or raise/lower the latter.

Check README from this package documentation how to activate.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-Fix-Makefile.patch 0000000998 998 Bytes
sawfish-pager-0.90.3.tar.xz 0000179552 175 KB
sawfish-pager.changes 0000000593 593 Bytes
sawfish-pager.spec 0000002682 2.62 KB
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