Tools to monitor SMART devices and MDRaid health status

Edit Package diskmonitor

Tools to monitor SMART devices and MDRaid health status.
Features a full application and a Plasma applet.


- Display S.M.A.R.T. attributes for harddrives supporting it.
- Start and monitor progress of S.M.A.R.T. Short and Extended self test.
- Display properties for MDRaid arrays.
- Start and monitor progress of data scrubbing on MDRaid arrays.


- Display basic health status for storage units.
- Can be used on the desktop, on a panel or as a systray icon (see systray settings to activate).
- Use KDE notification for health status change.
- Highly configurable interface.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-Install-the-application-icon-in-the-right-directory.patch 0000000876 876 Bytes
diskmonitor-0.3.4.tar.gz 0000056303 55 KB
diskmonitor.changes 0000002498 2.44 KB
diskmonitor.spec 0000003149 3.08 KB
Comments 1

Stakanov Schufter's avatar

I know currently you are cast away with the enormous load of applets to adapt to KDE6, but since this is a very useful one, allowing visually holding under control the whole disks assets and making even raid scrubbing extremely comfortable, I dare to ask you to consider to bring this applet to KDE6. Currently it is (as a lot of others) unfortunately not functional. Seasonal greetings. P.S. I do not know how to file an "official request", so bear with me please.

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