Simple virtual private network implementation

Edit Package govpn

GoVPN is simple free software virtual private network daemon, aimed to be reviewable, secure, DPI/censorship-resistant, written in Go.

It uses fast strong passphrase authenticated key agreement protocol with augmented zero-knowledge mutual peers authentication (PAKE DH A-EKE).
Encrypted, authenticated data transport that hides message's length and timestamps.
Perfect forward secrecy property.
Resistance to: offline dictionary attacks, replay attacks, client's passphrases compromising and dictionary attacks on the server side.
Built-in heartbeating, rehandshaking, real-time statistics.
Ability to work through UDP, TCP and HTTP proxies. IPv4/IPv6-compatibility.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
govpn-7.4.tar.xz 0000506168 494 KB
govpn-7.4.tar.xz.sig 0000000310 310 Bytes
govpn-go-1.7-compat.patch 0000011402 11.1 KB
govpn.changes 0000005282 5.16 KB
govpn.conf 0000000398 398 Bytes
govpn.firewall 0000000198 198 Bytes
govpn.keyring 0000002129 2.08 KB
govpn.spec 0000004758 4.65 KB 0000000092 92 Bytes
govpn@.service 0000000351 351 Bytes
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