Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer - editor

Edit Package espeakedit

eSpeak is a software speech synthesizer for English, and some other languages.
eSpeakEdit provides a User Interface to edit the eSpeak voices.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
espeakedit-1.48.03-gcc6.patch 0000004683 4.57 KB
espeakedit-1.48.03-next-line.patch 0000000678 678 Bytes 0007557985 7.21 MB
espeakedit-gcc7-destbufferoverflow.patch 0000000527 527 Bytes
espeakedit-wx3.diff 0000001147 1.12 KB
espeakedit.1 0000000629 629 Bytes
espeakedit.changes 0000001278 1.25 KB
espeakedit.spec 0000002465 2.41 KB
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