Multimedia application for teaching oneself Esperanto

Edit Package kurso-de-esperanto

Kurso de Esperanto is a multimedia computer application for teaching oneself Esperanto.
Here are several of its features:
* Just 12 lessons.
* Pronunciation and listening exercises.
* Audio songs – learn while you sing!
* A wide variety of exercises, to reinforce the learning points.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed 0000000915 915 Bytes 0000000652 652 Bytes
kurso-de-esperanto-4.1.2.tar.gz 0003813198 3.64 MB
kurso-de-esperanto-media.tar.gz 0034254790 32.7 MB
kurso-de-esperanto-qt5.patch 0000022001 21.5 KB
kurso-de-esperanto.changes 0000000796 796 Bytes
kurso-de-esperanto.spec 0000003749 3.66 KB
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